Monday, October 2, 2017

The Person I Admire Most

The person i admire the most is my mother. She’s the person i look up to the most, the one that has been there for me through thick and thin, the one that has given me advice whenever i needed it, and the one i trust the most and can actually call my best friend. Looking back at my childhood, it was filled with love and happines. My mother along with my father, they made sure my siblings and I grew up to be as strong as them and they made sure we lived in a house full of love and laughter.
My mother’s name is Claudia Ingrid Moscarella Acosta, she was born in Barranquilla, Colombia on the 5th of July, in 1968. She studied in the Polytechnic Atlantic Coast two carreers but only finished one, which was marketing and publicity. She has 3 nationalities, Italian (which she got from her father), Lebanese (which came from her husband) and obviously Colombian (her place of birth). Her mother, Sarah Acosta, is from spain, while her father, Boris Moscarella, is from italy. She met my father, Antoine Zalaket Sayegh, in 1995. They met at a church here in Barranquilla, where they went on road trips. In 1996 , after dating for a while, they decided to get married. My sister Pascale, was born one year after their marriage. After that came me, and then my brother Angelo was born. There are 3 years difference between each one of us. All 3 of us look up to her since she is a very strong, brave, beautiful woman. She used to pay for her own university when she was younger, and we admire her for her independence, intelligence and how strong she is. She will always be the woman i admire the most, she is everything I strive to be as a mom and a woman. I love my mother.