The Diary of Samuel Pepys has two values that are shown in this story but before naming them; the definition or aspect of these two values which are thankfulness and trustworthiness should be left clear for your own knowledge.
Thankfulness is when you are grateful or show gratitude towards someone or something for doing something you appreciate. While trustworthiness is the ability to be relied on as honest or truthful. It’s deserving of trust and confidence, being reliable.
At the beginning of the story we can say that these two very important values weren’t shown, it didn’t make part of the characters’ traits; but as the story evolved and went on, we could see that when the fire happened, there was an act of trustworthiness since the people of the city helped each other out when they saw the houses getting burnt down. This act that was done showed me that the people living there in the neighbourhood are the type of people you can rely on for anything and are trustworthy. It was an act of empathy and compassion to help each other like that as well. Even tho Pepys just stood there watching the fire from the window and did nothing at all, not even react to it. It was like he didn’t care about it, he felt more important than his lovely and trustworthy neighbours that do have empathy. There’s another part of the story where i believe Pepys shows some humanity and it’s when his nice wife goes inside the dining room with his plate of food and gives it to him. He shows thankfulness and he thanks his wife for preparing him that very delicious meal.
Those are the only two values i got to see in the story for those people, the people from the neighbourhood and Pepys.