Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Animal Abuse

        Abusing is the action of mistreating and causing pain or damage to others. In some countries  it is very common to find animal abuse,and it a nationwide problem that grows rapidly in today’s society. Year 2006 was the year that had the most cases of animal abuse in the U.S  which was approximately 2700 number of abuse cases.
        About three hundred thousand animals die each year from animal abuse. Some animals are used for scientific reasons. It is said that it is necessary to form experiments and do researchs on the poor animals for products, medicines, and economic reasons. The biggest problem with animal testing is that the animals suffer a horrible experience just for us humans to do experiments on them and learn more about their race. It is not fair and very selfish of us for animals to lose their hair or fur just for us humans to have nice clothing. They do not deserve that harm. Many scientists use the “its for science” excuse while there are other scientists and successful companies out there that don’t have the need to use these animals for testing their products yet they have very popular products that are bought daily. Cosmetic items are mostly tested on animals just to see the reaction of a particular product. If the product does react, it could harm very deeply that animal and may cause it to be blind or to die. This is the worst type of abuse because it can actually harm the animal for life. Some heartless people even use dogs for money. They put on a show and their owners put them up for a dog fight just for people’s entertainment and for the selfish reason of making a lot of money themselves if their dog gets to win.  Abusing an animal like that or using it for games is highly unacceptable and it is against the law and should be reduced because it is affecting them harshly.

         Honestly, no one deserves that kind of treatment. What if it was your pet or my pet that they were using and putting chemicals in with unknown reactions, how would you react? What if it was actually you instead of the animal being abused?  You have to put yourself in others shoes because they can  also get hurt the same way us humans do. It is inhumane to make a living creature suffer just for our benefits or for our entertainment. Animal abuse must stop immediately.


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