Is christmas actually a commercial date or a religious practice? This is a question that might be asked by many and i am going to be defining Christmas and giving my personal opinion about it as well.
Christmas is an annual festival in which people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, observed more commonly on december 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. In general it is a festivity that is celebrated by christians but that does not stop other people from celebrating if they wanted to. The reason of celebrating Christmas is what makes it a religious practice. Now since when did christmas become all about buying things in a store and not about our youth, family and goodwill? This is a great question we should all be asking ourselves! Christmas should be all about god, christ and family but instead it is all about some meaningless presents or about buying some gorgeous outfit from your favorite store because you want to look pretty that night. Christmas is when most people take advantage of the date for personal reasons and to make more money. They use christmas in commercials for their own benefits. They wait for Christmas time which is the 25th to do some discounts for more people to buy things. They put special offers on tv to gain more customers when they barely care about christmas celebration.
Now to answer the exact question, i believe that christmas is both, a religious practice to some and a commercial date to others, and i think it is time to change the thought of it being all about the hair, makeup, clothes, and presents and make it more about Jesus Christ which is the main reason why Christmas is celebrated.