The violence that occurred between 1946 and 1964 resulted in over 200,000 deaths. An estimated one million people were displaced from their rural homes. Guerrilla movements arose from the anarchy to fully establish themselves in the 1960s and still trouble Colombia to this day. Historically, the two mainstream parties, the Conservatives and the Liberals, had dominated Colombian politics from the 19th century onwards, both enjoying large periods in power. These periods of hegemony were more partisan than personal because politics was characterized by voter affiliation to either party, based on social and economic class, regardless of who led them. However, after 1946, traditional party competition had broken down in Colombia. Mariano Ospina PĂ©rez, the newly elected president, and his Conservative party government used the police and the army to repress the Liberal party. The Liberals then responded by arming peasants to fight back against the government. This created pressures within civil and political society, and violence began on a small scale.
In colombia, the citizens have the right to vote and make a very important decision that may provide for our country as well as affect it, these decisions can be made by people from the age of 18. It is supposedly an obligation for all citizens to vote, but there are still many people who don’t do so because of their personal reasons. Some people don’t vote because they simply don’t like to get involved in any type of politics or because they don’t have the time to do so.
The votes this year are a bit complex and troubling because the possible candidates for the presidency are candidates from the F.A.R.C (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) which was a guerrilla movement involved in continuing Colombian armed conflict since 1964. It was known to employ a variety of military tactics in addition to more unconventional methods, including terrorism. They are a subversive guerrilla group which signed peace agreements last year and they did so with the intentions for people to allow them to reach the government. People were furious and they were very unhappy because they do not consider that the people who were in the army, who killed major quantities of people, who are drug traffickers and Organ traffickers as well, should not reach that power and should not be on the votes.
I believe that the political election for presidency has many incorrect and suspicious things because how is it possible for the voting cards for a winning candidate be done or run out? An election like this is very important because it defines the future of our country and citizens should be the only ones with the right to vote. Every person has their own opinion about each candidate at the end, so there is no reason to cheat if its the majority of the country who is making the choice.